How not to write a novel and avoid bad advice What can help you, and what to avoid? Do online programs help you become a great writer? As a new writer if you look online you’ll find a vast amount of websites that sell programs teaching you how to write your first novel. Hosted…
Category: working your novel
8 Different Types Of Antagonists In Your Novel
8 different types of antagonists in your novel can you create more than a standard villain who wants to take over the world? For a new writer, they might feel limited in how to create a villain for their new novel, influenced by blockbuster movies that create a standard villain. But is there more…
Why You Should Ignore Online Literary Critics
why you should ignore online literary critics Do they have anything worthwhile to say or have they become literary trolls now? Can your life as a writer benefit from what critics online have to say, or are they wasting your time? Was there ever a time when critics had anything worth saying or was…
Your Novel’s Opening Line and Making It Count
your novel’s opening line and making it count how to craft a line that pulls the reader in. how to make it rememberable for generations. In this day in age with so many distractions from TV, the internet, cell phones, video games people are having their attention pulled in every direction. As a writer…
Why 3 Hours Is Enough Time In A Day To Write A Novel
Why 3 hours is enough time in a day to write a novel. keeping your energy levels high. not draining your self tired. New writers ask how many hours in a day should I write? How much should be dedicated to writing? What do famous writers do? Do they write all day or for…
The Benefits Of Speech To Text As A Writer
The benefits of speech to text as a writer. Speeding up your writing. Get all your thoughts down at once. not having to be slowed down. Ask any writer and they’d tell you they have a million thoughts running through their head as they try to write their novel. Either in the beginning stages…
Put Your Protagonist In The Greatest Danger
Put your protagonist in the greatest danger. Do not live through your main character. how to add suspense. how to avoid a boring story. Chances are if your book is boring and no one wants to read it, it comes down to one big reason, your protagonist isn’t interesting. In fact, they are the…
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